The driving time from Raleigh to Trenton, Florida was between 9 and 9 1/2 hours (this included a few stops for food and filling the gas tank). The drive down on Friday took a little longer, about 10 1/2 hours total, because the GPS unit took us directly through Gainsville, Florida in 5pm traffic (something to avoid for future reference). We left for home today (Sunday) a little after noon. I was home a little after 10 tonight.
The retreat was really fun and wasn't so much a "cross-stitch" retreat. It was time to become one with your craft-ing side and to become one with free-form (non-grid) embroidery. There were plenty of shopping items, I bought a few things. And, there were raffle tickets to 3 "piles" of goodies/gifts, and guess what, I won one of the "piles".
I took lots of pictures while there, but I hope you don't mind, but it's late and I am heading to bed in a few minutes. I'll post pictures tomorrow night.
Who's Around?
18 hours ago
Lucky you! I can't wait to see what all you won. :)
Luck you... I'm a bit jealous. More snow here in New England. UGH!!! I am new to the world of stitching and have been browsing various blogs to try and gain some knowledge and get some tips / ideas. I originally started with a stamped, then counted “kits”. I’m working on my 2nd chart and have noticed some big differences in floss types and quality.
My Cross Stitch Mentor has told me that I’m ready to graduate from Aida, but I really like Aida. Maybe it’s just beginner’s comfort???
If you would answer my question… What type of fabric or fabrics do you prefer and why? Brands and counts?
I would appreciate any advice, thanks!
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