This year, the Fall Fling was at a new location, the Springmaid Beach Resort.
Here is a photo from the balcony of my room:

This was the view from the front door balcony side of my room:

And here is a view from the beach I took this morning before I left:

Stitchers from all over the place attend the Pals Fling. This is MichelleKS. Michelle was my roomie this trip:

Here's a photo of MicheleWA (no, I didn't spell her name incorrectly, she spells Michele with one "L"):

Here is a photo of DawnNC and her daughter Emily. Dawn and I have been best friends since 1st grade and have attended all 13 of the Pals Myrtle Beach trips. Her daughter Emily has attended all 7 of her years and has many "Aunts" from the Pals stitchers:

Here are KarenAZ (right), SharonPA (middle) and DianeIN (left). This was Diane's first trip to the Pals Fling:

Saturday night was the last night and many group shots were being taken. Here is a group photo of the crowd I was hanging out with. You see that DianeIN (up front) fit right in with the rest of us crazy, silly stitchers:

One of the most popular activities from the PALS Fling is the grab bag exchange. Grab bag containers can be anything. This year's containers were great. Here are photos of some of the containers:

The "penguin" container from the middle photo is the one I ended up getting and it was packed with wonderful goodies. I have a few more things to share, but need to take photos first. I'll do that and share in my next post.
Last photo to share for this post was this beautiful view of the moon coming up over the ocean's horizon. I was walking back to my room Saturday night and happened to look up and saw the moon starting to appear. I grabbed my camera and this is one of the photos that wasn't blurry:

I wasn't up early enough any morning to capture a photo of a sunrise over the ocean, maybe next year.
That's it for now. I'll take photos of a few other things to share and will post again in a day or so. To all those that attended the Pals Fling, I hope to see you all there again next year. And to those that couldn't attend this year, I hope to see you there next year too.
Hugs and Happy Stitching,
holy canolies! ROFLMAO! great pics! can't wait to see more that you took! I am sooooo glad you got a good one of the moon, my phone didn't do that good at all. :)
wow, what a view you had and thanks for sharing pics. I missed this year and am hoping to make it next year.
nice seeing you posting! love the pictures!!!
Great pictures Chris!! It was so nice to see you again! Hope to see you in Dec!!
LOL! I love the group photo of you and the gang with Diane all layed out - TEE HEE! Don't feel bad about blogging. I was a little behind too but I did post some photos tonight. Hope to get a little posted each night since I took quite a few pictures. Hope to see you again soon!!
I enjoyed your pictures. Sure wish I was able to go the beach. I know ya'll had fun.
March 2010!?!? Your last post??? Phew! Just wanted to say it was nice to meet you at PALS. You and your gang were fun to be around while we stitched. I love my pillow that I got from you--it is my favorite color, purple! I hope to post and do emails and such this weekend. It is hard to get anything extra done when you have to go right back to work! Hugs!
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